Announcement of New Marubeni Social Contribution Activities Policy
Jul. 18, 2024
Marubeni Corporation
Marubeni Corporation (hereinafter, “Marubeni”) has established Marubeni Group’s new Social Contribution Activities Policy. Various challenges are emerging around the world, accompanying accelerating changes in social conditions and the natural environment. The new policy aims to facilitate sharing of the tangible and intangible assets Marubeni has gained through its corporate activities as well as greater contributions by the company to give back to society. In line with this policy, our social contribution activities will be reorganized around the three pillars of “Culture & Tradition,” “Community & Society,” and “Nature & Environment,” in addition to “Disaster Recovery & Humanitarian Aid.”
Social Contribution Activities Policy (Formulated in 2024)
[Basic Principle]
In the spirit of our company creed of “Fairness, Innovation and Harmony,” and in recognition of our responsibilities as one constituent and member of society, Marubeni Group actively engages in concerted efforts to contribute to society.
[Basic Activities Policy]
By leveraging to the greatest extent possible the assets of the Marubeni Group—such as our human capital, networks, and the knowledge we have gained through our business—we will strive to achieve the resolution of challenges facing society and to realize a sustainable society, focusing on the three pillars of Culture & Tradition, Community & Society, and Nature & Environment. We will also respond appropriately in accordance with the scale and urgency of particular situations with Disaster Recovery & Humanitarian Aid, which constitutes another component of our corporate social mission.
[Specific Activities Policies]
<Culture & Tradition>
Marubeni has its origins in Japan’s traditional textiles industry. Our conservation activities for cultural heritage utilize the knowledge and networks we have acquired through collecting and managing the cultural works in the Marubeni Collection. Examples of these works include textile products and designs intimately associated with the textile industry, as well as Japanese and Western paintings. Through these assets, Marubeni Group will contribute to the conservation and passing down of traditional culture and techniques to succeeding generations.
<Community & Society>
The Marubeni Group will contribute to the development of an inclusive society through initiatives such as the Marubeni Foundation and our overseas scholarship funds.
<Nature & Environment>
Decarbonization, transitioning to a circular economy, and co-existence with nature are among the goals which the Marubeni Group pursues through its business activities. The Marubeni Group will also strive to achieve these goals through our social contribution activities.
<Disaster Recovery & Humanitarian Aid>
Disaster Recovery & Humanitarian Aid is a component of our corporate social mission, and the Marubeni Group will respond appropriately in accordance with the scale and urgency of particular disasters and humanitarian situations.
Please visit the Marubeni website and official social media channels for the latest information on these activities.
Marubeni Social Contribution Activities webpage:
Official Social Media Accounts:
[Activities Examples]

Kosode in Red and Green Nerinuki with Sides in Contrasting Colors and Divided
into Serpentine Patterns and Floral Motifs

“Purchase of tractor for a disability employment service facility”

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