Marubeni Foundation Finalizes Expansion of Grant Funds
Mar. 22, 2024
The Marubeni Foundation
Marubeni Corporation
The Marubeni Foundation (President: Masumi Kakinoki) has finalized its decision to expand grants for social welfare initiatives to a total of 300 million yen from FY2024.
The Marubeni Foundation was established as a private sector social welfare grant-awarding organization in 1974, utilizing contributions from Marubeni Corporation, and has continued to provide grants to an annual total of 100 million yen (total of 2,896 social welfare initiatives, amounting to a total of 4.95 billion yen, awarded to date). Reflecting the social circumstances of today’s world, grant recipients include a wide range of facilities and organizations engaged with persons with disabilities, children and youth, and the elderly; organizations engaged in support for individuals who have become socially withdrawn, the protection of women, and aiding those facing economic uncertainties; in addition to children’s cafeterias (facilities that provide meals for children for free or at a reduced price), food banks, and initiatives for the development and improvement of local communities. Special consideration is given to projects which are outside the general scope of governmental reach, or to unique and pioneering projects which are expected to have a ripple effect on the enhancement of social welfare, while leveraging the unique benefits of these being private sector funds.
In consideration of the year on year increase in the number of grant applications and a desire to further respond to such social needs in any way possible, Marubeni and Marubeni Foundation decided to expand the grants to coincide with the landmark 50th anniversary of the Marubeni Foundation. The call for applications for social welfare grants for FY2024 is set to be announced in April (only Japan-based projects are eligible to apply). Financing for Marubeni Foundation grants is primarily handled through a cooperative framework between individuals and Marubeni Corporation. The funding is comprised of financial contributions from Marubeni Corporation; donations by individuals to the 100 Yen Club, a fundraising organization with a voluntary membership comprised of Marubeni Corporation and Marubeni Group executives, employees, and alumni which are then matched by donations made by Marubeni Corporation; and income from asset management. The Marubeni Foundation will continue to actively engage with and promote social welfare activities to realize a society which acknowledges and embodies the idea that “where there are people, there are dreams.”
Outcomes of initiatives by past grant recipients
Purchase of cooking equipment to facilitate increases in wages of kitchen staff with disabilities
Repairs of leaks at a space for children
Purchase of shuttle vehicles for use in social welfare activities